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Client Testimonials

Happy Clients

I’m passionate about helping you and guiding you into a new phase of your life. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials below to get an idea of the experiences past clients have had with me, and get in touch with me today to share your heart-felt needs.


Over the years, I've had counselling, and different types of therapy but when I met Lakshmih, I knew straight away that she was different to anything I've done before. I've been following Dr. Gabor Maté for years and when I read Lakshmih was trained by him, I knew it was a sign. Lakshmih is also from an Asian background which made things so much easier for me. It's so much easier to talk to someone who understands my culture & background.

Over the last 2 months, Lakshmih has helped me so much more than I can ever explain. The healing I received through her sessions, knowledge, compassion and true love is so beautiful. Lakshmih has a very genuine interest in helping others heal and I'm forever grateful to have met her. If you too, are lucky enough to come across this beautiful soul, have no doubt, she WILL help you. Lakshmih, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏼🪷💛

Mahesha Rice


Helena M

English below

Hvis du er klar til at genoprette forbindelsen til din krop og heale og integrere de svære dele af dig, kunne du ikke bede om en mere kærlig og kompetent terapeut. Jeg havde overvejet at starte i terapi i årevis, men var meget tilbageholdende med at forpligte mig til dem, jeg stødte på. Men fra det øjeblik, jeg mødte Lakshmih, følte jeg bare med det samme en følelse af sikkerhed og tillid. Lakshmih har en meget naturlig og ærlig måde at få dig til at føle dig genkendt, set og hørt, hvilket yderligere understreges af, at hun sørger for at tjekke op på dig efter sessionerne, så du føler dig endnu mere støttet. Hun udstråler varme, kærlighed og empati, simpelthen fordi det er en del af, hvem hun er inderst inde, og hendes stærke intuition og omsorgsfulde natur gør, at hun hurtigt kan samle op på præcis det, du har mest brug for under sessioner, selvom du ikke er klar over det selv. Jeg har haft stor gavn af Lakshmihs blide, empatiske og helende tilgang, og meget har allerede ændret sig i mit liv.

Jeg føler mig meget velsignet over at have sådan en smuk og medfølende healer, der hjælper mig med at overvinde dybe traumer og genoprette forbindelsen til mig selv. Lakshmih hjælper dig ikke bare med at "gøre arbejdet" - hendes sessioner tager dig længere end det, og du ender med at mærke den stærke forbindelse mellem din krop og dit sind, som de fleste af os har mistet, og dermed give mulighed for en dyb transformation og indsigt i din væren. Tag det fra en, der aldrig troede, hun ville være i stand til at helbrede. Med Lakshmihs vejledning har jeg nu en følelse af håb og tillid til mig selv og min fremtid, og føler mig meget støttet i at finde tilbage til min krop og mig selv.

If you are ready to reconnect with your body and heal and integrate the difficult parts of you, you could not ask for a more loving and competent therapist. I had been contemplating starting therapy for years, but was very reluctant to commit to the ones I came across. However, from the moment I met Lakshmih, I just immediately felt a sense of safety and trust. Lakshmih has a very natural and honest way of making you feel recognized, seen and heard, which is further underlined by the fact that she makes sure to check up on you after the sessions, making you feel even more supported. She is radiating warmth, love and empathy simply because that’s part of who she is to the core, and her strong intuition and caring nature quickly allows her to pick up on exactly what you need the most during sessions, even if you don’t realize it yourself.

I have greatly benefited from Lakshmih’s gentle, empathic and healing approach, and a lot has shifted in my life already. I feel very blessed to have such a beautiful and compassionate healer helping me overcome deep trauma and reconnect with myself. Lakshmih is not just helping you “do the work”- her sessions take you beyond that, and you end up feeling the strong connection between your body and mind that most of us have lost, thus allowing for a deep transformation and insight into your very being. Take it from someone who never thought she would be able to heal. With Lakshmih’s guidance, I now have a sense of hope and trust in myself and my future, and feel very supported in finding my way back to my body and myself.


Heidi Renee

"As I was going through a heartwrenching breakup, I met Lakshmih through an online support group. Getting to know her and the therapeutic model she provides felt like the universe sending me a signal to do something different--start to love myself. Lakshmih offers a unique form of therapy and energy healing that assists people struggling with loss and heartbreak. She also provides a loving and compassionate space in which to process emotions and trauma. She has a gentle, motherly spirit that welcomed me to open my heart and find healing. She taught me how to love myself and offer my own heart the compassion I so willingly give to others. Outside of our sessions, Lakshmih also would send me healing energy when my emotions were too much to bear on my own. I could feel the effects of her love halfway around the world. My heart would almost instantaneously calm. If you've gone through a breakup, are having difficulties in relationships, or looking for a warm friend who can guide you, please connect with Lakshmih. Let her work her magic in your life."


Anja Hansen

English below

Lakshmih skabte et trygt rum med hendes ro, spørgsmål, stilhed, intuitive guidence og nærvær, så jeg fik adgang til min egen indre visdom, forløsning og healing i hjertet. Fjernhealingen støttede rigtig godt op om online-samtalerne, og efter hver session har jeg bevæget mig videre i livet med en følelse af at være kommet tættere på min kærne, stærkere og gladere. Af hjertet TAK for at se mig kære Lakshmih.

Lakshmih created a safe space with her calm, her questions, her silence, her intuitive guidance and her presence. This meant I that I had access to my own inner wisdom, clarity and healing in my heart. The remote healing supported the online conversations really well, and after each session I moved on in life with a feeling of having come closer to my core, stronger and happier. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for seeing me dear Lakshmih.


Francisca Marcha

English below

Lakshmih har en særlig evne til at skabe en tryg og kærlig atmosfære hvor jeg tør at åbne mig i den dybeste sårbarhed, dér hvor smerten blev født. Hun omfavner tanker og følelser med sin forståelse og empati, samtidigt med blidt at føre mig tilbage til fokus, hvis jeg kommer lidt på afvej (det er jo ikke nemt at fokusere, når det er en smertefuld proces...).
Hendes heling er meget holistisk fordi hun tager sig, som en dansende blæksprutte, af både krop, sjæl, sind og det lille blødende hjerte. Og hele vejen har jeg en følelse af at være i gode hænder fordi hun er helt igennem et godt menneske og det emmer ud af hendes kærlige øjne. Af hjertet tak Lakshmih 💗

Lakshmih has a special ability to create a safe and loving atmosphere where I dare to open myself in the deepest, most vulnerability space where the pain was born. She embraces thoughts and feelings with her understanding and compassion, while gently leading me back to focus if I get a little lost (it is not easy to focus when it is a painful process ...). Her healing is very holistic because she takes care, like a dancing squid, of my body, soul, mind and my gentle bleeding heart. Always I have a feeling of being in good hands because Lakshmih is a good person throughout and it exudes out of her loving eyes. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Lakshmih 💗



English below.

Jeg har gennem det sidste halve år med jævne mellemrum haft samtale-sessions med Lakshmih.

Jeg stod i en situation, hvor jeg efter eget valg var trådt ud af mit trygge og forudsigelige liv i et mangeårigt ægteskab, og ind i et liv med det modsatte. Jeg havde en følelse af at stå uden fast grund under fødderne, og jeg har følt mig forvirret, bange, ked af det, glad og lykkelig undervejs i forløbet. Samtalerne med Lakshmih har givet mig en bedre forståelse for mine egne følelser og handlinger, og det har givet mig en tro på, at jeg kan og vil træffe de rigtige valg for mig selv og mit liv. Lakshmih har i samtalerne mødt mig og støttet mig på den blideste og varmeste måde, og jeg har følt mig så fint og kærligt holdt i processen.

Over the past six months, I have had regular sessions with Lakshmih. I was in a situation where, by choice, I had stepped out of my safe and predictable life in a long-term marriage, and into a life of the opposite. I had a feeling of standing without solid ground under my feet and I have felt confused, scared, sad, and happy along the way. The conversations with Lakshmih have given me a better understanding of my own feelings and actions i need to take. They have given me a belief that I can and will make the right choices for myself in my life. In these conversations, Lakshmih has met and supported me in the gentlest and warmest way, and I have felt so secure and lovingly held in the process.

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Mary P. King

What a beautiful encounter with Lakshmih today. Her warmth, directness and respect put me at ease. Her understanding, observation and care kept me there. Struggling with shame had become my norm and I had resigned to shutting down as my best option. Our session entailed unravelling the roots of my shame and seeing how it had infiltrated physical & emotional areas of my life. Gentle solutions were bridged & we finished with a powerful meditation. I left feeling connected, enlivened & hopeful…with a follow up session booked. Blessed & encouraged & relieved.


Giulia Billi

I listened to a womb meditation Lakshmih made whilst undergoing IVF. It helped me a lot to feel grounded and relaxed. I then contacted her to help me through the post-IVF emotionally charged phase. She has been compassionate, holding the space I needed to restore and helping me connect more deeply to my womb and body wisdom. She says the right words at the right moments and her energy healing is very powerful yet gentle. I would wholeheartedly recommend working with Lakshmih.



English below

Jeg havde stor glæde af at benytte Lakshmihs behandling og healing lige efter en svær tid og ulykke. Hendes intuitive rådgivning og kærlige måde at være på, samt beroligende healing, hjalp mig meget til at få mere samling på mig selv og mine følelser. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Lakshmih, som er utrolig dygtig indenfor sit felt.

I had the great pleasure of using Lakshmih's treatment and healing right after a difficult time and an accident. Her intuitive counselling and loving way of being, as well as the soothing healing, helped me a lot to get a clearer sense of myself and my feelings. I can highly recommend Lakshmih, who is incredibly skilled in this field.


Fiona C

Kære Lakshmih, jeg har oplevet vores samtaler som rolige og trygge. Jeg blev meget hurtigt tryg i dit selvskab. Jeg føler at jeg bliver spejlet på en måde som åbner mine øjne samt at der er nye aspekter som jeg ikke havde kendskab til før. Det har været virkelig rart at det har været en dialog og at jeg kan se på kort tid hvor langt jeg er kommet.

If you would like to hear about more experiences or write your own testimonial, please get in touch.

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